Welldoc’s 2019 Milestones

Martin Luther king, Jr. quote on glass

2019 has been a big year for Welldoc and the Digital Health industry. Welldoc has accomplished a lot in the last 12 months, so we’ve compiled some highlights to remember as we go into 2020. Check out Welldoc’s Year Welldoc’s 2019 Milestones:

Welldoc's 2019 Milestones
2019 was an exciting year for our team. We’re looking forward to what’s to come in 2020.

Learn more:

The information we provide at welldoc.com is not medical advice, nor is it intended to replace a consultation with a medical professional. Please inform your physician of any changes you make to your diet or lifestyle and discuss these changes with them. If you have questions or concerns about any medical conditions you may have, please contact your physician.


Break down care access barriers and deliver the tools and knowledge so people can self-manage their chronic conditions.

Welldoc’s cardiometabolic care platform helps impact cost and health outcomes.

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