Competitive Health Partners with Welldoc to Offer Digital Health Tool to Employers to Manage Their Type 2 Diabetes


BlueStar Will Now Be Available to 400,000+ Employees with Type 2 Diabetes through Competitive Health’s SHOWBenefits Platform

Irvine, CA and Columbia, MD – October 29, 2019 – Competitive Health and Welldoc announced today a partnership that will offer Competitive Health’s clients BlueStar, Welldoc’s digital assistant for individuals living with type 2 diabetes. This year, Competitive Health launched the SHOWBenefits platform to its enrolled employers to streamline the way healthcare is delivered by consolidating all medical and healthcare services onto one mobile platform.

“Welldoc’s BlueStar mobile health solution is utilized by some of the largest companies in the United States to help control diabetes; Competitive Health can now deliver an award-winning chronic care digital health solution through its wholesaler partners to employers,” said Kim Darling, Competitive Health CEO & Founder. “BlueStar adds value to our clients by providing a meaningful solution to populations that wouldn’t typically have access, which is very exciting.”

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) in 2015, over 30 million U.S. adults have diabetes, and most have at least one comorbid condition, including high blood pressure and weight management. BlueStar supports Competitive Health’s initiative to improve the lives of its members with type 2 diabetes by providing them support anytime, anywhere through real-time, AI-driven, clinically-precise digital coaching.

BlueStar, the FDA-cleared digital health app engages people with type 2 diabetes and delivers precision, real-time feedback to help improve long-term health. With seamless integration to blood glucose meters, pharmacies, labs, activity and fitness trackers, BlueStar makes managing a user’s every day life as simple as possible. On the backend, BlueStar aggregates various dimensions of data and delivers actionable insights for user’s care team, providing new opportunities to optimize care.

“Partnering with a progressive organization like Competitive Health to extend our ability to get BlueStar to more people who need it is incredibly exciting,” said Welldoc CEO, Kevin McRaith. “We’re thrilled to be a part of the technology-driven solutions Kim has successfully taken to market.”

About Competitive Health

Competitive Health, Inc. is the preeminent supplier of healthcare network access. The firm’s direct agreements with the nation’s leading telehealth companies, retail clinics, and PPO networks, position Competitive Health to provide unlimited access and unprecedented savings to clients and members. Competitive Health has saved hundreds of millions of dollars for insurance carriers, third-party administrators, affinity groups and exchanges, since 1996.

About Welldoc

Welldoc®, a founding member of the Digital Therapeutics Alliance, is a pioneer in revolutionizing chronic disease management to help transform lives. BlueStar® was the first FDA-cleared digital health solution that guides individuals through the complicated journey of living with diabetes. By helping individuals with chronic disease self-manage their conditions and connecting them to their own healthcare team, Welldoc streamlines payers, employers and healthcare systems resources by focusing on a digital health solution to help better manage their populations living with multiple and costly chronic diseases. Having conducted several randomized clinical trials, demonstration projects, and real-world studies resulting in more than 40 peer-reviewed publications, Welldoc is based on a life science model. BlueStar has been recognized by IQVIA in 2017 as the “Top App” for type 2 diabetes treatment, awarded Diabetes Technology Society’s 2019 Digital Diabetes Congress Mobile App Contest in the “Established App” category, and MedTech Breakthrough’s 2019 “Best Personal Health App” award. Welldoc has created a suite of products that apply across a chronic disease domain. In 2019, Welldoc received its 10th patent with 9 others pending. For more information, visit


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Taking Diabetes Self-Management to the Next Level