Farmers Markets During COVID-19

Farmers Market Covid 19

Since many farmers markets are outdoors, they can actually be safer than grocery stores during COVID-19. Everyone can take extra precautions, especially if you are at higher risk.

First, check online or call ahead to find any updates from your local farmers market. Many farmers markets adjusted set up to encourage social distancing during COVID-19. They are complying with local guidance to keep vendors and shoppers safe. Check for updated entrances, exits, hours of operation, and anything else that can help you prepare.

This will also help make sure your time at the farmers market is as quick as possible. It’s still important to stay home as much as possible and limit your exposure to others. You can also make a list of what you need and plan ahead. Think about which produce will last longer. Plan meals for an entire week, so you don’t have to leave home for food too often. Read more tips here.

While you are at the farmers market, always wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet away from others. Only touch produce or other products when you are ready to purchase. If you would like to test the freshness or how ripe something is, bring disposable gloves. Use sanitation stations when available, or be prepared with your own supplies.

As long as you are safe and careful, farmers markets are still a great option for food. Fresh, local, affordable produce is plentiful at farmers markets this time of year. During July and August, be on the lookout for some of our favorites like berries, tomatoes, peaches, zucchini, and eggplant.

Here are a few links to find local farmers markets near you:

National Farmers Market Directory (USDA)

Farmers Market Directory by State (Open Air)

The information we provide at is not medical advice, nor is it intended to replace a consultation with a medical professional. Please inform your physician of any changes you make to your diet or lifestyle and discuss these changes with them. If you have questions or concerns about any medical conditions you may have, please contact your physician.

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